Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Right now, I am sitting at the computer with the phone against my ear listening to my sister type in the background. Funny conversation, huh!? We do this quite often, actually. My Mom and I as well. We like to call each other to talk about whatever is on our mind, or listen as the case may be. My Mom and I especially like to "fight" on the Superheroes application on Facebook while talking with each other. We can laugh about what we attack each other with and rejoice when I win. Yes, she is much better at the game, so she actually gets excited when I beat her. Isn't she a great Mom!

So, if you're ever bored, just call a family member while on the computer playing Facebook or writing your blog, and you'll be bored no longer.

1 comment:

Lanae said...

I love our "fights" on facebook. I enjoy the comments we make every time we attack each other. I appreciate the time we spend together. You are awesome! I love you!!!