Monday, October 6, 2008


The Rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you. (Thanks, Annie.)
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know (or be rebellious like me and don’t!).

1. I like to tap things. I know that sounds a bit weird, but I think it’s a nervous habit. I used to be really bad about tapping my drink lid when I was in the passenger seat while my mom was driving. It started after I had gotten into a bad car accident and just being in a car made me really nervous. I remember my mom continuously asking me to stop tapping! I still catch myself doing it; while in the car especially.

2. I like things to be in a particular order. It’s not really an OCD thing, although I guess it could be in a small way. I like to line things up by size, color or alphabetically. When I put my make-up on I line it up in the order I’ll be applying it. Definitely a quirk!!

3. I’m quirky about how I eat candy/desserts. I like to savor it! I like to suck on suckers for as long as I can and nibble on chocolate. Everyone asks me how I can take so long to eat a candy bar…well, that’s why!

4. I like to eat around the outside of bread or a sandwich first; to get rid of the crust, of course!

5. Binkies!!! I have to know where Lexi’s binkies are at all times. I get quirky about Jarem and Lexi’s favorite toys as well. I know it drives everyone crazy when I’m constantly asking where binkies and toys are, but it drives me crazy to not know!!

6. I’m with my mom on this last one: I love crushed ice. Jason says I’m going to wear out our ice-maker on the fridge, and I probably will! I love going to places that have that crunchy, delectable ice so that my Diet Coke tastes the very best!! :D

I hope you enjoyed reading about a few of my quirks. I now tag Kristina, Tenaya, Sher, Angela, Judith and Kim. Have fun!!

Now for tag #2:

What are your THREE?
I was tagged by my friend Kristina. I've never actually responded to a tag (or been tagged before, and then it happened twice!) goes!

Three Joys:
1. My Family
2. Music (singing, playing the piano, listening to great music)
3. The Gospel

Three Fears:
1. Spiders and Dogs
2. Being left alone
3. Something bad happening to my family

Three Goals:
1. To become more Christ-like
2. To be continuously Happy!!
3. To eventually go back to school…just for fun!

Three Obsessions:
1. Jason
2. Jarem & Alexa
3. Music

Three Facts:
1. I LOVE playing the organ. I never thought I’d feel that way!
2. I really despise housework.
3. I am secretly obsessed with pride that my daughter has red hair, like me! :D (Ok, so it’s really not that much of a secret…)

Wow!! That was fun! Now I get to tag five friends. Mom, Tenaya, Sher, Angela, Judith and Kim, you’re next!


Lanae said...

I think I could have guessed most of them except for Lexi and red hair. I mean...really...geasher. Thanks for sharing.

Sher said...

Thanks for tagging me. I think I might have done this one before, but heck, might as well do it again!